So, I go crazy at the remnant bin when there's a big sale at the store. However, (probably because I was too greedy and not paying attention) I got some brown patterned fleece that was actually a lot more than I expected. So I had to make something extra special with it! :) I was going to return it because it was pretty much regular priced, but I got busy. Thank goodness because I now have a new friend. :)

oops! mushrooms. and it is cute. i love it's smile.
I love remnant bins too! OK - this is SO cute! I'm squealing because its so cute, but you can't hear me.
awwww............adorable! it sure makes you want to squeeze and cuddle it!!! is it a him/her btw? :D
Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and leaving such a nice comment about my new header. But, thank you mostly because otherwise I never would have discovered your blog...and, I LOVE it! That little mushroom elf is beyond cute!
Oh my goodness! Too adorable! I love this little guy. I feel your remnant bin greed- I'm a remnant bin addict, too.
My 3-yr-old daughter likes your mushroomElf and I do too! :)
So cute!!! : )
Your little mushroom friends are so adorable! And that's really cool brown fabric. Very mushroom-like!
Oh my goodness, he is SO CUTE! Do you have an Etsy store where you sell these little sweethearts?
i love mr (ms?) remnant elf and your illustrations! thanks for stopping by to visit my blog :)
sooooooo precious. i'm in love.
Your little Mushroom Elf is lovely, and so are your drawings. Thankyou for your comment on my blog. Unfortunately that little Monkey wasn't made by Monkee Maker, he came with a bag of tea - PG Tips. I was joking, I am sorry.
How DARLING! Oh he's so cute! I don't think I've ever seen a cuter stuffed animal! What perfect buttons for his eyes. Good work, and thanks for sharing! :)
SOOOOOOOO adorable, cute, lovely , precioso, lindo (need more english words for this cute buddy - do you allow spanish ones ??? )
Thanks for you lovely comment. I found my new doll here - e-bay
She is so sweet - love her eyes and mouth ...
AWWW! That is too cute.
too cute, thanks for visiting my blog xxxx
Oooh, the sweetness!
I'm so impressed that your wonderful sketches look equally cute when brought to life!!
oh my gosh!!!! this little guy is SO very over the top cute!!! eeeek!!! i love him!!!
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