I showed it to my husband, and he asked, "Did you make it?" Hah. How could I possibly make it??? :) Then, he asked, "What is it???"
To answer his question:
1. It is from Tuesday Morning (a bargain store, that has a lot of stuff for a pretty decent price).
2. It was 50 cents.
3. It is cute. (PERIOD)
This is what I got Sunday afternoon:

It's a salad spinner!!! (and no, I did not make it.) :) It was only 2.98! I'm very excited to use it. You see, I used to buy those packaged salads that cost an arm and leg, but they didn't stay fresh for very long. Besides, I'm trying to be more economical, so now I am buying lettuce heads. This little invention will help me immensely!
I've been making a ton of salads lately; my husband's on a diet. ;) I'll post a recipe for a killer chicken (ahhh), ranch salad later.
So...what is the first item? LOL I am trying to figure it out. I used to go to Tuesday Morning all the time, but then the closest one to me closed and I haven't been to another.
I hope you like your salad spinner; I got one a few years ago and I love it! It's the OXO brand...I really hope you enjoy yours. A good salad is nice to have in the fridge.
hehe, erika! I don't know what it is either. It has absolutely no function, but it's soooooo cute! ;) I guess you could call it junk.
It looks like it is containing flower...? Is it a storage container of some sort? And did you get the salad spinner at Tuesday Morning, too? I need to find that other store and check it out one day....sounds fun actually.
okay, so I have a salad spinner and I LOVE it. My mom had one growing up and I thought it was great. So I got one that looks alot like yours (but white) when I got married and was so excited... I busted it out and was spinning and water was going everywhere!! It had holes in the bottom!!! Now I love it cause I can run water in it and spin it while in the sink and the water runs through, but my moms didn't have holes, so I wasn't used to it... needless to say, check if yours has holes before you start spinning water all over the place!!
50 cents is cheap! oh i have a salad spinner too. i should use it more often cause it works.i buy romaine lettuce. trader joes has it for pretty cheap. 3 heads for 1.99.
Erika, wal-mart has the salad spinner for about three bucks! And, it comes in a variety of colors!!!
littlegreen, I haven't even opened it yet, but thanks for the warning!!! ;)
buddingcook, that's a good deal! I like iceberg lettuce much better though. I just got three heads for a buck. woo-hoo.
OK. I figured something out about your first item that we don't know what it is. The stars look just like the stars for the Care Bear characters.
I was thinking it was Rainbow Bright, but that didn't make sense, so I was out shopping today and saw just those same stars and they with some Care Bears! Hee hee.
Maybe you knew that already, though!? If so, at least I figured it out, too!
Oh--that Tuesday Morning purchase is so totally Care Bears--vintage. I was a big Care Bears fan in the 80s.
Actually, I suspected they were the stars from the care bears, of which I adore. Thanks Erika and Sadie Lou for clarifying!!! :)
Why sure! It does look vintage...
hahahahah! lol! Love this post!
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