However, I really don't like to return things (especially at wal-mart), and I figured or rather I convinced myself that seven bucks wasn't too much for a couple moments of fun; so I experimented with it.
It really works! I'm sure if you wanted precision, it might be a bit harder to work with, but if you practice enough, it's a great tool for any crafter! Just press really hard and make sure you test it before you use it on your projects!
Here's my first project:

Oh... my... goodness... SO CUTE! I love the banana too, very original :)
awesome. I have been wondering if I should get me one of those... maybe like you said for a few months of joy and fun... it could be worth it?? cute monkey!!
"everybody's got something to hide, 'cept for me and my monkey...." can anyone name that song and who its by?? :)
hey that is really cute cute cute! the monkey is adorable btw.
holly, thanks! :)
littlegreen, you should totally get one. It's fun. :) I want to make some drawstring baggies with it next.
buddingcook, thanks. I think I might give it away to a little someone we'll see tomorrow. ;)
That is simply the BEST!! You're a genius. It's time to add you as an official blog link too--be warned--I do a special post on all my links.
Okay, Snaps is the best thing ever! He's such a cutie, and he's so lucky his favorite food will never leave his little paws. :)
what could be a better snap accessory for a monkey than a banana
too cute
That is soooooo cute. What a great idea!
Snaps is lovely, but I think he looks a little lonely. You should make him a girlfriend. You could call her Crackles. And their baby could be Pops. I AM A GENIUS.
Oh, and littlegreen, I think you might be thinking of the Lemon Demon song "Nothing Worth Loving Isn't Askew" except in that, the lyric is everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my suitcase. Although perhaps me and my monkey has more of a ring to it.
Wow, the reviews for that product are pretty bad. :( But it's nice that you were able to use it to make Snaps! So cute.
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