so, yeah, I had a pretty rough day. I woke up exhausted. I went to work tired. I got to class and I got back the test I knew I bombed (it wasn't as bad as what I thought, but it's bad enough that I have to work my bootie off from this point on...and it's just embarrassing because my friends did really well! Why do I have to compare myself to others!?!). Then, to top the terrible day off with another piece of poop, I stopped by the department to check if they had selected a winner for the t-shirt contest. The answer? NOPE!
Anyway, below is the t-shirt design I submitted for my school's (engineering and computer science) contest. The robot was originally holding one of the letters to our school's name (in another font...a more manly font! :)). Also, his little buttons had labels of the individual departments in the school (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, etc).

All in all, though it was a bad day, it's over. :) Yay!
I absolutely adore this robot! I'm sorry you had a bum day. Good thing there's always tomorrow! *B
Such a cute robot! Hope you have a better day ahead! :) Take care.
Sorry to hear that you had a bad day. Maybe no news is good news on the t-shirt competition though? The robot is fab - how could he not win??
Your friend may have a point about your giveaways ..... or maybe you're just massively generous and want to share the love!
Love the robot! My fingers are crossed that tomorrow will be a better day!
hope you're day starts and ends well tomorrow ... and i simply love the pun in your artwork for the tee ... HELL - o ... very clever!
I just say Hello to,
and I hope for a better day...
sorry about your bad day:( your little robot is CUTE!!!
Super cute!
sorry about the bad day, I hope things turn around! That robot, however, is so amazingly adorable! So sweet! :)
Sorry to hear about your bad day yesterday. :(
I got my whole upstairs nice and clean yesterday and today I have to do the same to the downstairs. Then friends are coming over for lunch, so I'd better get started!
Hope your day today is better than it was yesterday.
Sorry for your bad day! We love your robot. My kids are chanting "we want to see the robot" over and over. I hope you have a better day today.
cute.. i heart robot!
A wise woman once told me we have to have a bit of rain to dance when it is warm and sunny. So today it poured down on you but maybe tomorrow the sun will shine on you and your little robot! I have my competition details up now so head by and maybe you might get lucky:) Laura
aww.. the robot's so cute! I'm in love!!
Hope today was a good one x
That robot is amazing.
Sorry it was a rough day, but that robot is sooo cute! I love it.
well i totally think you shoulda won!!! gotta love your robot and the way the type is playfully placed.... you have cute cute cute artwork!!!
The robot looks like a lovely little fellow!
Bad days are rubbish, I always think if I have had a few bad days recently, odds are, a good one will be on its way soon!
Good luck with the t-shirt design. Do tell us how you get on when you know
haha... love the robot! bad days make us really appreciate the good days... and yes good thing, there is tomorrow!
Tomorrow will be better. I hope you have a wonderfully blessed day tomorrow. Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoyed my visit at yours.
i like this square-head robot! i think it's great.
don't worry too much about bombing the test. just ride the bell curve! :) oh, and keep doodling!
what an adorable robot!! Have a sweeter day tomorrow:)
your stuff is so stinking adorable!
i love it!
hope tomorrow is a better day for you
ps do you sell your designs anywhere?
on etsy or someplace?
i would totally buy a shirt for my little guy with a robot on it...
& a girlie one for my little sweetie...
super cute
I love that little robot! Hopefully the next day will be better. :)
That would make an awesome t-shirt.
Adorable! I'm not much a fan of robots, but you gave this one your magic kawaii touch! Love it!
Hope you win, I'd wear that robot on a t-shirt.
Sorry you had such a bad day. But, that little robot is too cute!
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