By the way, I didn't win the t-shirt contest. Even though they didn't announced the winner, I know with much certainty that I didn't win. Why? Well...they extended the contest, which means the current entries were not satisfactory. Chances are pretty...pretty slim. :) When I get the dreaded rejection letter next week, I'll post my entry (that way, I can start the healing process with all your bloggin' sympathy/pity/much needed support and encouragement/comfort/etc). :D
Disgusting??!! It's so tender!
=D It's not disgusting at all! It's such a sweet picture! =D Btw..it's ok if you really didn't win the T-shirt contest. Plenty more contests that you can win in future. ^^ Keep up the good work! =D
That sketch reminds me of a Feb two years ago, when Jack and I were digging in the mud and he first discovered worms. He nearly did put it in his mouth for a minute.
Lolly (my 3 yr old) just saw your girl-holding-the-worm picture and said "That's me!!" :)
Worms look so much cuter in cartoons than in real life :P
how sweet:) her little dress is so darling and her worm is very cute!!!
if i were judging, you would surely win, i think your drawings are so very sweet and charming!!! i'm sure nobody else even compares:)
I don't necessarily think that means you didn't win. Maybe the competition's really fierce, and they want to see how much 'fiercer' it can get. ;)
I used to play with worms when I was a little girl. Not disgusting at all!
Lovely picture!!!!
Tkanks for Eisley I listened to on youtube and I like it!!!
No way! I love inch worms, but they are so small I have to hold them up to my face to look at them, just like in your picture; I totally relate. Don't worry about the contest; I love your drawings even if they aren't on a T-Shirt!
Hi and thanks for your nice comments.. glad to meet you ... lovely work :)
Wormy friend isn't disgusting at all, it is a very cute picture. Jane x
oh.. what a cute little wormy friend!
Oh my! Your girl and worm make the cutest friends. Love it! Not disgusting at all. :)
By the by.. did your little birdie plush ever make it your way?
Heehee!! This is DARLING! I love it! What's her name?! I think she's so sweet!!
cute pic! i like the worm!
I cannot imagine your adorable illustrations not being satisfactory enough! Hrmph!
Sooooooo sweet!!! Not at all disgusting! I think I'd like a worm as a friend too, if they looked as cute as yours!
This is ADORABLE! Not disgusting AT ALL! super cute stuff! xx
I love her! And the worm. Super sweet. *B
Cute drawings! I'm so glad to have found your blog :)
Very cute little wormy friend! And, I would pick your t-short design if it were up to me. I love your stuff! And, you never know...they might still pick yours! Think positive! :0)
:) it's cute. i like the coloring.
Disgusting didn't come to mind at all! Just total cuteness!
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