Here's a peek at the card I designed for my sister's Baby Shower:

So, as I am planning the Baby Shower, I thought it would be fun to have you all contribute! Do you know any good baby shower ideas or games to play??? :) Leave a Baby Shower comment, and I will randomly draw a name on May 1st at 12:00pm PST. The prize will include: 1 5x7 Print, 5 tags, a mini journal, and a couple surprises. I'll post pictures of the prize on Sunday! :)
oh! i love baby shower games! these are my favorite: 1. for a jack-n-jill shower because it's most hilarious watching the guys do this! - fill up baby bottles with milk or juice and have the guys drink as much as they can from the bottle (through a slow-flow nipple) in 2 minutes. sooo funny! first to finish or drinks the most wins! 2. everyone cuts a piece of string or toilet paper the length they guess will make it around the mama-to-be's belly. closest or perfect wins! 3. guess that baby food- place 10 different varieties of baby food out in small saucers with spoons. have everyone guess that baby food- they can taste and/or smell to make their guess. winner who gets the most. classics, but easy peasy & sooo much fun! hope the shower is a blast- your invitations are darling!!! i sooo wish you made mine when i had my little ones. thank you for sharing the joy with this giveaway :) all good wishes!
Those invitations are so, so cute! I ♥ the ribbon on the baby's head. :) I've been to/planned many a baby shower. Here are some game ideas:
Celebrity Babies: Hand out a sheet of paper to each guest with female celebrities’ names on it. Have them list each celebrity’s children’s names. The player with the most correct answers wins.
Pin the Pacifier on the Baby: Post a large — at least 8x10” — photo of a baby’s face on the wall (could be one of the guest’s babies, the hostess’s baby, etc.). Blindfold each guest and have them place a paper pacifier (with double-sided tape on the back) on the baby pic. Whoever gets the pacifier closest to the baby’s mouth wins.
oh my cute!!! From one illustrator to another...did you print these yourself or send them out to get printed?? I have been wanting to do invited for a friend's save the date cards and wasn't sure what to to hear some tips, if you wouldn't mind. THanks!!
Such cute invites! As for a game to play: one idea is to find a bunch of baby items (bottle, nail clippers, diaper, etc.) and place each item in a brown paper bag (the kind you use for school lunches). Pass bags around and have people guess what the item inside the bag is. NO PEEKING! After everyone has had a chance to feel all the bags and make their guesses, reveal what's inside. Whoever guesses the most (correctly), wins!
Good luck with the shower! *B
I've been to a ridiculous amount of showers lately. At the peak, I knew 20 pregnant ladies. I'm down to a much more reasonable 14 pregnant friends (that still sounds like a lot).
So, two ideas that did not make me totally cringe (baby showers do that to me).
1. Have each guest write a wish for the baby on the inside of a piece of origami paper. They fold it into an animal and place it in a bowl. The host(ess) gathers them all and makes a mobile out of the for the expecting parents.
2. As people arrive at the shower, they are given a necklace with 3 safety pins on it. From that point on as the party progresses as normal, you can take a safety pin from anyone who says the word "baby". At the end of the shower (or game), the person with the most safety pins wins.
I think I like the second one because it's not so cutesy, and I'm REALLY good at it!
Have fun!
(rhubarbsky at gmail dot com)
Wow! Those invites are super cute!!!
For my first shower everyone was given a piece of paper to write down advice for a new mommy. It was really fun to read through the advice after the shower and laugh as well take some of it to heart. ;) Also telling funny baby stories is fun!
I don't know if someone has already mentioned this game, but you should totally play the game where you pair 2 people up, and one person has to feed baby food to the other person using a baby spoon. The first couple to finish, wins! :]
Those invites are ADORABLE! They make me want to have a baby! Then I look at my current job situation...
So games... I'm partial to using the baby's full name (first, middle, last - if it's been picked) and trying to make as many words out of it as you can. It's fun for word-nerds like myself.
Guess how many diapers in the "diaper cake."
I do love the toilet paper one mentioned above.
And there's the classically gross melted/crushed candy bars in the diaper. Pick at least ten different chocolate ones, melt/crush them in a diaper and let everyone guess what kind of candy it is. The braver ones will taste it...
Those invites are absolutely adorable!
My favorite baby shower activity was to decorate disposable diapers with pens (we got the Seventh Generation ones that are plain on the outside). I've also enjoyed decorating onesies and burp rags using fabric pens or stamps and fabric inks. It was so fun to read the little messages from my friends and to have something really useful throughout my daughter's infancy.
Another game is to everyone submit a baby photo of themselves to the hostess. They're all on display at the shower and everyone has to write down who they think belongs to which photo. It was very difficult, especially when I didn't know too many people at the shower, but it was fun...
the invites are really cute, as are all of your drawings! i've been to many baby showers (and had two myself!) so i have played many games. here are some ideas (i'll try not to repeat any ideas already mentioned in the comments for this post):
-use a doll or baby-sized stuff toy that you can put a diaper on. you can play this two ways. one, you blindfold the person playing and place the doll in front of them, along with a diaper and other changing supplies and time them while they quickly try to change the diaper on the doll. whoever does the best job in the least amount of time wins. the other way to play this is if you have several dolls, you can have them race.
-guess the number of candy in a baby bottle. you can sometimes coordinate the type of candy with the theme. just make sure the candy is small to make it more challenging. most people just use jellybeans.
-at the beginning of the shower, as guests arrive, they are given a safety pin, which they pin on their chest. because most pregnant women cannot cross their legs once their bellies get too big, guests are put through the same inconvenience and so if you catch someone crossing their legs (which they will most likely do out of habit) you can take their pin and pin it on yourself. at the end of the shower whoever has the most pins wins.
awww, super cute! On my way to your etsy shop now!
Oh my i love your baby shower invitations!! Sooo cute! I have never been to any baby sad but it's just not a common thing to do here.
But in the future when im becoming a mommy i'll be sure to have one! hehe One game that my family played when my sis was pregnant...we guess her tummy size. We have string and scissors and we pull the string to the size we believe would fit perfectly around my sis pregnant tummy. After everyone cuts their string, we compare the results to my sis actual tummy. And the person who is the most close win a prize!
Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to yoU!
Oh my gosh that is so adorable, I love the added hair and ribbon!
So cute!!!
How about...guess the baby food flavor, guess the number of candies in a jar.
Pass a roll of toilet paper around and let the people guess the number of toilet paper squares that would go around their belly.
I've never been to a baby shower! How is that possible? If I'm ever invited to one I hope the invitations are as adorable as yours!
I just went to a diaper shower last weekend for a friend that has already had her baby. Here is what we did:
*Get a partner, and one person "diapers" the other one using a roll of toilet paper. That was really fun! (I won :-) Everyone votes at the end on who they thought did the best job.
*Pin the pacifier on the baby. They took a large piece of cardboard and drew a big baby head/face on it. Then everyone got a paper cutout of a pacifier and wrote their name on it, and put a piece of tape on the back. Then blindfold and let them try to hit the baby's mouth! It is harder than it looks... many people kept sticking it in the eye.
*Everyone got the chance to diaper a babydoll using old-fashioned cloth diapers and safety pins. Then the mom/mom-to-be scored them on appearance, neatness, and how well they stayed put!
I have also done the baby food game in the past (make sure to pick some meat flavors, too!).
One thing our host did that was neat was to buy a large journal and then pass it around for everyone to write a note in it to the baby. The same journal will be used later on for his birthdays and other special days (graduations, etc.). I thought that was a nice touch :-)
Oh they're so cute! I'm afraid I don't have any baby shower games, except for the on where for the entire baby shower, you can't say the word baby.
congratulations to your sis dear meadows, the invitations are so cute!
one of my favorite games is really an old fashioned one, you give each person a safety pin to pin to their tops and tell everyone they can't say the word baby. it isn't easy to do at a shower. when someone catches another person slipping and saying baby then they get to take their pin. if they have more than one pin they still only take one. the person with the most at the end gets the prize.
The only game that I can remember from a baby shower is when you melt a different type of candy bar in each diaper and then you have to smell the melted candy bar to guess which type it is :) Funny and gross! Ha! I want to wiiiiiiiiiiiin :)
I have been waiting for a baby shower in order to make this ABC baby book.
No games for me please.
Very cute cards! Here is a fun game. Give everyone a white paper plate and crayon. Have everyone place the plate on their head and instruct them to draw a picture of the mom to be. Then have the mom to be pick out which one she likes best.
Wow, I can't even think the last time that I went to a baby shower. But that prize back is enticing, so can I share a bad idea?
This was something baby themed that a former neighbor did for a 1st birthday, I think? All of the food was not baby sized, but had actual baby food in it. Eewwwww! DON'T do this!
Too cute!! Look at the card's ribbon! AAaaaaaww...
I always love What's in the Diaper Guessing game, when you put melted chocolate (black, white and in between :)),peanut butter, jelly, crushed fruit, babies' rusk, etc in a diaper and ask the guests to guess what food it is (include smelling and licking).
And for if there will be children attendants among guests (or if ther will not be, let the adults do this too, it's OK :)), Mommy-Baby game is hilarious. 1 child has to act as Mommy, changing diaper (there are adult size diaper), feeding, burping, and the other as baby. Blindfolding will add extra laugh. the pair with the best mommy-baby relationship win!
I also love Guess the Baby Pictures, but for this, you'll have to gather your family/guests' old baby/child picture (of themselves), 10 persons will be sufficient, and ask the other guests to name the babies in that picture.
If you love scrapbooking (and your guests too) you can ask them to pull a number from a bowl, let's say, if I randomly pick number "4" I have to make a Happy 4th birthday card/scrapbook page (without the photo obviously, but leave a blank space for it) to the soon will be born babygirl. not applicable to non-creative guests, or they'll make you a mess instead of a card:).
If she isn't that into games (and not everyone is!) you can have people decorate onesies. Embroidery, applique, fabric crayons, etc.
I have no idea about how baby shower is like... but your invitations are really really cute!!
At my sister's, we had some nice cut card stock and everyone wrote wishes for the baby on them and put it in a lovely jar.
The baby food game sounds a bit gross...but I don't have you won't catch me eating any baby food. Icky.
sweet illustrations!!!
cute! i want the prize! sorry i cant make it to the shower. i leave for shanghai the day before.
There are lovely and cute!!
These are gorgeous. I've actually never been to a baby shower before so I don't know of any games, but I was reading some of the comments and there seem to be a lot of hilarious games suggested!
Your artwork is fab!
When I went to birthday parties as a kid, we used to play a game with clothespins. There were a bunch clipped to a wire coat hanger, and we had to pick them off with one hand, to see how many we could get in one hand before we dropped any.
I think it would work really well as a baby shower game, you can clip the pins onto some baby-sized hangers instead. :)
Oh my goodness, the image on these cards is ever so cute!! I just found your blog and I love it. Your artwork is awesome!
good share, great article, very usefull for us...thank you
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