As for tags and such, Erika tagged me. So here are seven random things about me:
1. I just bought snapware from Costco, and love it. :)
2. My dad bought me a scooter a long time ago when the RAZOR first came out, and I still ride mine all the time because parking is terrible at school. :)
3. I work for Dunder Mufflin Infinity. :)
4. My favorite smoothie is PASSION PUNCH at Juice it Up!
5. I've given up caffeine once again. It's been three weeks. woo-hoo!
6. I have to sleep with a blanket.
7. I just discovered the show "Jon and Kate plus 8" (we don't have cable at home but my work does & that's where I watch it...if I can!).
And, Green Bean Baby nominated me for the "I Love Your Blog" tag. :) Thanks!!! There are so many great blogs out there, which makes it difficult me to nominate just a handful. Instead, look at my side bar and you'll find some of my favorites (although I need to update it.) :)
love the pink! and I have to sleep with a blanket, too! even when it's so hot I can barely breath... :]
Awww! The pinky are so sweet!
I wish I worked for Dunder mifflin! The American office makes me giggle more than the British one did xo
You work for Dunder Mifflin Infinity? Why don't they just call it Dunder Mifflinfinity? Ha! The Office is the best.
Jon & Kate Plus 8 is a great show. I watched it from the beginning. The kids are so darn cute!
Such cute pink! I wish I worked for Dunder Mifflin too...
Come to my house and draw some wall murals, won't you? CUTE!
The Office is the freaking best show ever. I have the first season box set of the British one, but I have to turn on the subtitles because I can't understand what they are saying! LOL
..those little pinks are soo sooo cute!
Cute cute cute!
Well done on the caffeine!
i love the pink!!! so cute!!! jon and kate + 8 is so additive to watch. I LOVE THAT SHOW!!! i guess i'm one of the people who don't watch the office b/c my little guy watches his backyardigans to wind down :OD
You deserve the award, this is a wonderful blog. I love that show too.
I was totally addicted to Jon and Kate plus 8 when I first discovered it, too! : )
Cool facts! And I love the little pink creations!
the balloon has to me my favorite, very sweet
What cute cute illustrations! I just love pink!
I watch Jon and Kate Plus 8, too. I honestly don't know how they do it!
Happy Halloween!
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