As for tags and such,
Erika tagged me. So here are seven random things about me:
1. I just bought snapware from Costco, and love it. :)
2. My dad bought me a scooter a long time ago when the RAZOR first came out, and I still ride mine all the time because parking is terrible at school. :)
3. I work for
Dunder Mufflin Infinity. :)
4. My favorite smoothie is PASSION PUNCH at Juice it Up!
5. I've given up caffeine once again. It's been three weeks. woo-hoo!
6. I have to sleep with a blanket.
7. I just discovered the show "Jon and Kate plus 8" (we don't have cable at home but my work does & that's where I watch it...if I can!).
Green Bean Baby nominated me for the "I Love Your Blog" tag. :) Thanks!!! There are so many great blogs out there, which makes it difficult me to nominate just a handful. Instead, look at my side bar and you'll find some of my favorites (although I need to update it.) :)