I decided to utilize my ETSY, bitsy Shop, to give away a little handmade present to anyone who wants to celebrate my birthday with me!!! All you have to do is pay for the shipping/handling fee (which is just $1.00) and your little present will be mailed to you this week! :)

I've only listed a handful of presents, but if there's anyone else who wants one, just send me an email, convo me, or just leave a comment on this post and I'll reserve a birthday surprise for you on etsy!
what a cute way to celebrate!
Thats a lovely way to celebrate! You are so sweet xo
Thanks for your comment! I'm so excited to have someone comment who isn't related to me!
I agree with you...birthdays are so much more fun when giving to others! I'll have to stop by your Etsy store later
you are most talented..I love your handmade stamps...yeah my craftin buddy is a real little cutie..they of course are all cute..that's my opinion and I am their mama...so they are all adorable..you are going in to my favorites so I can view you on a daily basis...:)
Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog. Your blog is precious...I am heading over to your ETSY shop pronto and right away!
Such a nice way to celebrate your birthday!
I love hobbits! They have fabulous ideas... happy birthday!!! *B
That's so sweet of you! I really like it when Bilbo says, "Today is my eleventy-fifth birthday!" Happy Birthday!!!!!
what a great idea! It's my birthday soon, so I'm up for this!
A Hobbit birthday celebration! That's a pretty awesome idea. :)
oh aren't you so sweet!
Happy Birthday! I am new to your blog, and have added you to my bloglist ☺ ...and I have something in the works for your "yellow" contest!
what a wonderfully knid way to celebrate your birthday! I hope you have a lovely day when it comes :)
mushroom love! i love your header!
thank you for visiting my blog and leving a comment it cheered my day up.
what a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday.. that is really sweet. I will read more of your blog soon.. but we are in the process of packing up to move and I really really shouldn't be on the computer at all... but the house is empty noone will ever know!
You have the cutest little things! Sweet blog too!
Love your new banner too!
I like surprises !!!!
Yay! Great idea!
What a great birthday idea!
super, duper, cute
I did something similar for my b-day the 14th! And yes, your stuff is super cute too! My birthday blog is still up on my site.
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