I was at school this morning, and roughly at 11:40 the building started to shake. The first thing I thought of was "DUCK AND COVER" so I immediately crawled under the desk. Seconds later, I heard people telling us to run outside to an open area. After we ran outside, there were some guys on scaffolding (like the ones they use to wash windows), they were screaming, but more because they were having fun dangling up on top of the building, swaying back and forth. My school is actually located several miles from the epicenter, so it shook us up pretty good.
Fortunately there were no causalities or major injuries! Also, school was canceled for the day! :)
I'm at home now, and when I first looked at my craft table, I was like "oh man the earthquake completely knocked things around!" but then I realized it is just messy. ha ha. Time to clean up! :)
My sister blogged about it, too! I guess it just was very traumatic for a lot of people in Southern California.
Cat Mom and Baby Tote Bag
1 week ago
yah for missing school. but yea i was scared. people just looked at each other all confused and then after it was done. we kinda laughed about it.. luckily everyone is ok.
I am surprised that they told you to exit the building? Around here we duck and cover for sure.
Glad to hear you're okay! What a scary experience. I've lived in Alaska for years, so I've been in earthquakes before. No fun at all.
I thought it was cool and kind of fun... but that's just me! Glad you're safe and sound. *B
Glad you are safe :)
Hi there mushroommeadows! I wanted to say that you're on the winners list at the Digital Garden!! But please do send me your home address asap, because tomorrow the purses will be send.. Earthquakes can be very scary.. oh my.. There was one tiny earthquake here in Belgium a long time ago and I still remember the feeling. And that was a tiny earthquake! Can't imagine a bigger one.. xoxoxo
forgot my email address:
wow, it's kind of scary - I've been in many earthquakes in Japan. They are bad! I'm glad you are O.K!!
How scary! I am glad everyone is okay!
I'm glad everyone is OK! What a crazy experience.
P.S. I laughed about your messy craft table! Wish I had an earthquake to blame for mine!
I was at work (in L.A.) when the earthquake hit. Everyone just went about their normal business because it wasn't as bad there as it was at your school.
Aww, your craft table suffered some 'damage'. When I got home, some of my plushies fell off the shelf. But that's it.
If only you could blame the craft mess on the earthquake! : )
Glad you are okay! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog today. :) Their birthdays are 12 days apart (minus 4 years, of course!). If my baby had come on her due date, they would be a bit more spaced out, which is what I was hoping for...oh well. :) Not God's plan.
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