I'm actually allergic to cats, but I love them anyway. Here's an illustration I did. There are definitely some kinks here and there, but I think I'm satisfied with the way it turned out. :)

Speaking of cats,
Mika does some amazing pictures of cats and of course other paintings as well. And she was so sweet in giving me the award down below! YAY!
I do love kittis and I like this iullustration. Little mushroom, do you think you could email me your address so I could send this tea towel to you? I holding off on sending both until I hear from you. My email address is oliverrain@gmail.com.
Awww... sweet, cute lil kitty!! :)
Super cute! I'm sorry to hear you're allergic to cats!
I really really really like this drawing!
the kitty is adorable!
I love this little pic! I have been trying to do a doodle of Pablo since we go him but they are all rubbish, so I'll need to leave it up to other folks to draw the animals!
Yeh for the rounded corner tutorial, I've been trying to do it for ages so I'm off now to give it a go!
cute! what about a mushroom kitty? hehee
I love the cat's raised paw - my cat does that a lot! Very cute!
Love your adorable little kitty cat illustration! But, I'm allergic to cats too. Just the thought of it makes me start to itch!
what a sweet cat
I gave you an award on my blog too, it was a couple of posts ago :)
congratulations on your award. i love your drawing! the girl is so sweet.
cute! i like it.
Aww, I ♥ the kitty cat — so cute!
That's a cute one!
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