I've been playing with heatbond and scraps of fabric. Here's one of my experiments:

Also, I've been playing a lot with SHRINKY DINK! I love it, but look at what my sister did to a ring I made especially for her:
Anyway, I've been recovering from a hike I did this past weekend. I knew the hike was going to be more difficult than the 8-mile one I did before, but I didn't know it was going to a) make me want to cry b) cause me to explain to the ranger/police that I was still alive and not to send the search&rescue c.) pain me even three days afterward.
This hike was over 12-miles long, which started at 10am and ended at a little before 9pm. Approximately at 3pm, I told my husband that I wanted to go home. I really wanted to give up, but at that point, I was smack dab in the middle of the mountain. Whether we turned around to go back or we pushed forward up the mountain meant hours and hours of hiking. There was no way of getting out of it. Fatigued, hungry, and hurting, I knew there was no easy way out. Subsequently, this made me REALLY want to cry. I'm a baby-hiker, what can I say?
The fact that it was pushing 9pm with no sunlight left caused my family to panic a little bit, so that's how the ranger/police got involved. The police doing our missing person's report said to me, "You are SO grounded." Yeah!
Well, my knees are NOT happy with me. I did some pretty sloppy hiking down the mountain because I was so tired and I knew that if we didn't get down soon we were in big POOPY trouble! Without sunlight, we could plunge down the rocky slope in the dark. So, we basically tumbled down the mountain trying to get down before the sun did.
Hiking is NO joke. One slip on a ridge and you could bash your head into the rocks below. SCARY.

Appropriately called Devil's BackboneAnyway, see you later with hopefully more heatbond projects. :)