I'm really sad.
Remember the big shopping spree I had? Well, one purchase I made was through aeropostale.com. I bought 2 cardigans (really, really cute ones), 1 jean jacket (that actually fit me...I went to the store and tried it on), a t-shirt, a sweatshirt (with a monkey on it, for goodness sake!), a polo for my husband, and a purse.
Well, I had it sent to my PO Box...and...I never received a notice. I never received anything. Finally, I went this morning to ask about the package. The postman said that it was already delivered, meaning to say, that someone had picked up the package. That someone was not me.
I called the company and they said they were going to file a carrier claim. In the end, I think I'll get reimbursed. However, why does it make me so terribly mad that someone took my package knowing full well that it didn't belong to them? The package had MY name on it. It had MY address on it! And now there's someone sporting MY cute cardigans and jacket...as if they had won the lottery or deserved it...
Cat Mom and Baby Tote Bag
1 week ago
Ummmm, wtf? At our PO you have to have both the notice that you have a package and a picture ID to claim a package. And then you have to go through this signature thing on the debit/credit card machine where you have to sign your name twice and give your address to them in the machine thingy.
Do they regularly just hand out mail like it's Christmas at your PO?
No! Someone else has your sweatshirt with a monkey on it?? Now that really is a tragedy!
I hope that next time you'll beat the PO Box thief to it!
OMG how can someone do that????
I agree with you, although you will get your money back, that's not the point, you nearly had them to wear and now there gone.
What a bummer......
Oh that's awful. Are you able to reorder all of the items again or are they no longer available? You must be so disappointed. :(
Oh no! That jerk. I hope he/she gets their comeupance! *B
(I don't know if you do such things, but on sunday I nominated you for a Nice Matters award on my blog ..... it won't make up for your stolen goodies though, sorry)
Ohhhh No! That is terrible!! I'm so sorry to hear that! I can't believe someone would do that, I know you'll get your cashflow back, but that still sucks!
Argh! I'd be mad too!
Bad karma on them!
Shopping off the Internet is fun, but I always worry that my package will end up in the wrong hands. I hope you're able to get the same stuff you ordered! That's really a bummer. :(
Sorry to hear you are sad... :(
I'd love to hear you have got your package back - but, I do believe it'll be very difficult. Don't understand why someone can do that, don't they feel bad about taking something that isn't theirs !!!
Hope tomorrow you get better news ... :)
i am SOOOO sad for you! what could they have been thinking?!
*GASP!!!!!!!!!!!* OH NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! What audacity!!!!! It saddens me that conscience doesn't exist in some people...
I'm so sorry to hear about this horrible case! And I do hope you get all your money back!
oh my god i'm so sorry that happened!!! and how can the post office make that kind of mistake?? and HOW DISGUSTING is that kind of behaviour!??!!?!??! let's just hope that person gets a baad rash each time they put on the things they stole!!
serious! how can they even fit ur clothing! but i wonder how that happened?
HOW AWFUL!! I'm so sorry.
oops! that's aweful! what a dissapointment!
thaat suuucks!!!
I don't even understand how someone else can get mail that isn't theirs..
Yeah, Sarah and Jack are right. I'd inquired with the post office about their policies for their P.O. boxes. You're paying for that box so they can't simply hand out packages to people who don't identify themselves correctly. If aeropostale doesn't reimburse you, the Post office should.
Aw, I'm sorry! That blows. (I just read the post about your husband getting you a new laptop, so on the bright side, at least you are married to a sweetheart!)
How can they pick up your stuff without a photo ID?? How terrible!!! That's just wrong!!
I will be so mad too...
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