My personal philosophy is that an artist can turn anything into something beautiful; he/she just keeps trying, adding and manipulating, until the masterpiece is complete. Nothing is rejected; everything is adjusted. Well, forget that! :) Today, I made something nightmares are made of. It started off as a cute little bear guy, and then it evolved into a mean little gnome. I tried to redeem the dreadfulness of it all by adding a sidekick. Eek, I don't think I can do anything else to make it cute. hah :)

I don't know, girl, I still think he's kinda cute! xoxox.
Yeah, me, too. Cute in a misunderstood sort of way.
I like it! It's cute in it's own weird way.
I like it's weird mouth!
Hey, I always say that a little crafty mishap just makes it that much more endearing! ;)
It looks like he's holding his "side-kick" hostage.
He's cool I like dangerous
And yes I hate the ads on comments also...very much.
just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog, and let you know that I think this, as well as your other stuffies, is adorable ;)
hi thanks for visiting lingo franko.
i really love the guy with the stitched up gob.
he IS cute, yet tragic.
actually i think he is me: tragic, yet resigned to it, and still lovable.
see ya.
aw, he's a cutie!!
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