“…and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.” Matthew 2:9-10
May His light and love shine in your life this season and throughout the New Year.
By the way, here's a picture of all the Lemon Drops together for the last time before they get packaged and given away. :)
Christmas Giveaway #1 is now closed. :) Thanks for participating!!!
Decorate your gifts like this:
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Leave a comment to be entered into my Christmas giveaway! Drawing will be this Friday, December 13th at 12 noon (PST). :) Christmas giveaway will consist of some Mushroom Meadows Christmas tags and stickers (as seen below) and some surprises, too! :)
Christmas Giveaway #1 is now closed. :) Thanks for participating!!!