I've been trying to finish just 1 problem on my take home midterm all day. Just one!
Yet, I'm totally stumped.
Anyway, here is just one of the doodles I did today:

Colored VersionIt's appropriately called "Stumped". However, the girl should really be crying her eyes out because that's how I feel. :(
On a brighter note: there's a 50%
printable coupon for Michael's Craft Stores. I'm not sure if it's applicable at all Michael's.
Cakies tagged me. Here are a handful of non-important facts about me:
1. Recently, I had to give away most of my jeans/pants/capris/shorts because I've gained (undesirable) weight. I wore the same size for nearly a decade, and now I have to replenish my entire wardrobe (yay).
2. I have had several eye doctors ask me if I was wearing colored contacts. I don't. I have light eyes for an Asian, I guess.
3. I don't like eating breakfast food for breakfast. I like eating real food for breakfast. :)
4. I use to never really get emotional while watching movies. Lately, however, I've been crying quite easily. Remember how I told you I watched Enchanted? Well, I cried. I really cried when I was watching Sweet Land too. I guess I'm just getting more sensitive in my old age.
5. I need to put myself on a budget. ;)