Hand carving stamps is no biggy, but I'm going to have to divide this tutorial up into sections because uploading pictures is a pain. :)
Firstly, behold, my collection:
My collectionIn today's tutorial, I'm going to talk about materials. The tools you use is perhaps one of the most important factors in the success of your stamps. :)

1. speedball linoleum carving set
Finding this carving set may be difficult, but it's worth the search! It gives you control and accuracy! :)
2. x-acto knife
I use my x-acto knife to cut the stamp carving material to the size that I want. Pretty nifty, versatile tool.
3. versaFine, versaMagic, and brilliance inkpads
I LOVE different inks, but my favorites are the above. *sigh* These guys are super expensive, but they last a while, and they give your stamped image more than you could ever imagine! I like the versaFine because you can use watercolor with it. I like versaMagic because it gives a nice shadow to your projects. And brilliance? Well, it's REALLY bold and well, brilliant.
4. speedball carving material
It's true, this stuff is soft, but it does a fantastic job getting the fine details of your image! I love it!!! Also, it's a bit pricey. Take that back, it's very pricey. However, it makes carving less about physical strength and more about the carving.
Here are some of the pieces that I've recently done (which are now in the shop!):
Tiger Stamp
OC Orange StampBy the way, thanks for all the kind words about the GRAND OPENING of our ETSY shop! It makes us so happy, you don't even know. ;)