I begin this entry with a little doodle I did during class today. It's titled "Hanging in There," which pretty much sums up how I feel at the present moment. As you can see, there's an expression of contentment on my character's face. She's struggling; she's being forced into a situation; nevertheless, she is maintaining a smile. I'm trying to have a more positive outlook on life...trying really, really, really hard. :)

The Photoshop version:

Now for a little recap of what happened to me tonight...
I needed some floss, so my husband dropped me off at Walgreen's, while he finished up his coldstone icecream (By the way, do not get blueberries as a topping. YUCK) :). I didn't carry my purse in; I just jammed my American Express in my back pocket. It has my picture on the back.
Here is a summary of the conversation the clerk, who was late teens to early 20's, and I had at the register; I kid you not.
Clerk: Debit or credit?
Me: Credit.
Clerk: Can I see an ID.
Me: It's on the back.
Clerk: (looks at it, looks at me, looks at it again) It's kinda faded.
Me: Do you really want me to go get my ID? It's in the car.
Clerk: Uh...I'll ring you up and then you can go get it and bring your ID in afterward. How old are you, anyway?
Me: Um (trying to figure out the pinpad device) Uh.Guess? (I'm trying to buy time)
Clerk: 12? 13?
Long pause (I seriously cannot remember how old I am, and I pause awkwardly, as I finish working with the pinpad)
Me: No. 27.
Clerk: Yeah right, and I'm 47.
Me: *smile*
hehe :)