I'm really sad.
Remember the big shopping spree I had? Well, one purchase I made was through aeropostale.com. I bought 2 cardigans (really, really cute ones), 1 jean jacket (that actually fit me...I went to the store and tried it on), a t-shirt, a sweatshirt (with a monkey on it, for goodness sake!), a polo for my husband, and a purse.
Well, I had it sent to my PO Box...and...I never received a notice. I never received anything. Finally, I went this morning to ask about the package. The postman said that it was already delivered, meaning to say, that someone had picked up the package. That someone was not me.
I called the company and they said they were going to file a carrier claim. In the end, I think I'll get reimbursed. However, why does it make me so terribly mad that someone took my package knowing full well that it didn't belong to them? The package had MY name on it. It had MY address on it! And now there's someone sporting MY cute cardigans and jacket...as if they had won the lottery or deserved it...
Chick and Cat Easter Card
14 hours ago